Open Access Policy
All the conference materials are shared under the Open Access model to maximize research output and information visibility and to allow readers to access these online resources free of charge, thereby increasing users' uptake and use of the scholarly information.
The copyright to the work is retained to authors/paper presenters. Materials can be reused and shared as long as the original authors are correctly attributed or properly cited and the highest publishing and ethical standards are ensured.
The views and opinions expressed in the conference materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect ICOPED's position.
All the conference materials are shared under the Open Access model to maximize research output and information visibility and to allow readers to access these online resources free of charge, thereby increasing users' uptake and use of the scholarly information.
The copyright to the work is retained to authors/paper presenters. Materials can be reused and shared as long as the original authors are correctly attributed or properly cited and the highest publishing and ethical standards are ensured.
The views and opinions expressed in the conference materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect ICOPED's position.