The Redesigned Logo

The ICOPED logo was redesigned to better communicate what the Institute has become since its reorganization and renaming from Agricultural Credit and Cooperative Institute (ACCI) to ICOPED in 2010. We believe that this new visual identity better matches our redefined and expanded vision, commitments and aspirations as an academic unit of CEM that has been serving our university, our cooperative and enterprise sectors, our government, and our nation for more than five decades now. The design goal is to reflect who we are, what we do today, and where we want to go in the future. The logo uses the official colors of the University of the Philippines to represent our continuous commitment to contribute to the goals of the University. It is designed with an element of three human heads, which has a three-point explanation. First, it stands for the three core development programs of ICOPED: (1) instruction, (2) research, and (3) extension and public service. Secondly, it represents the linkage and cooperation among the three key sectors – (1) the academe, (2) the private sector, and (3) the government, that we hope to facilitate and strengthen through our programs. Lastly, the increasing size of the interconnected heads symbolizes the growth and transformation that we want to achieve for the people whom we serve. The new logo also now contains the acronym of our Institute name – ICOPED and the year when it was established – 1960.