ICOPED holds the International Conference on Cooperatives (ICOOP) every three years as part of its commitment and advocacy to promote national and global cooperative development. ICOOP was first held in November 2012 during the International Year of Cooperatives and is now on its third round.
Themed "Cooperative Transformation in the Changing Global Economy," the goal of the 3rd International Conference on Cooperatives or ICOOP2018 is to make significant impact on the national and global cooperative movement by promoting exchange of technical and practical knowledge and facilitating interactions among cooperators, cooperative advocates, development practitioners, academicians, researchers, and policymakers. ICOOP2018 aims to provide a venue for:
AnnouncementICOOP2018 Paper Presenters can still submit FULL PAPERS to [email protected] until December 17, 2018.
All submitted papers will be published in the ICOOP2018 Book of ICOPED. Upon initial review of the ICOOP2018 Scientific Paper Committee, selected exemplary papers may be recommended to the editorial board of the Journal of Economics, Management and Agricultural Development (JEMAD) of CEM, UPLB for further blind peer review for possible publication in JEMAD. Accepted papers will be published as a journal article in JEMAD. Our full paper format will follow the JEMAD Guidelines. Click here. ICOOP2018 in the NewsClick to read more
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Conference Chairs
Director and Professor Office of the Director ICOPED, CEM, UPLB, College, Laguna 4031 PH T: +63 49 536 3266 E: [email protected] |
Dean and Professor Office of the Dean CEM, UPLB, College, Laguna 4031 PH T: +63 49 536 4750 E: [email protected] |
Conference MaterialsConference PhotosICOOP2018 photos are now available.
Click here. Conference Synthesis |