Extension and Public Service Program
Extension Program
Our flagship extension program, “Training Program for Cooperative Enterprises” aims to provide professional managerial and entrepreneurial competencies to cooperative stakeholders in the Philippines.
As a duly Accredited Cooperative Training Provider of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), we conduct CDA-prescribed training courses for cooperatives and Training of Trainers (TOT) for other training service providers.
In addition, we develop and offer specialized training courses and livelihood seminars and workshops for cooperatives and other self-help groups to further develop the knowledge and skills of their human resources.
ICOPED also regularly conducts cooperative awareness seminars among the youth, particularly high school and college students within Los Baños and its nearby municipalities/cities.
As a duly Accredited Cooperative Training Provider of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), we conduct CDA-prescribed training courses for cooperatives and Training of Trainers (TOT) for other training service providers.
In addition, we develop and offer specialized training courses and livelihood seminars and workshops for cooperatives and other self-help groups to further develop the knowledge and skills of their human resources.
ICOPED also regularly conducts cooperative awareness seminars among the youth, particularly high school and college students within Los Baños and its nearby municipalities/cities.
Services Offered
Training of Trainers (TOT) for Accredited Training Providers of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
CDA-Prescribed Trainings
Optional/Specialized Trainings
Other Trainings and Seminars Offered
Youth Cooperative Awareness Seminar
A two to three hour seminar for students from high schools and universities and state colleges that is aimed at increasing the awareness among the youth and providing them with basic knowledge about cooperatives. This extension activity is a public service of ICOPED, which is done voluntarily in selected educational institutions within Los Baños. Those outside the municipality may however request or arrange the conduct of the seminar in their schools.