The Institute of Cooperatives and Bio-Enterprise Development (ICOPED), in partnership with the Department of Agriculture (DA) Regional Field Office No. II, conducted mandatory CDA trainings on the fundamentals of cooperatives and the governance and management of cooperatives for farmers cooperative and associations (FCAs) from the Cagayan Valley region. The training courses were held from July 15 to 18, 2024, at the Department of Agriculture Cagayan Valley Research Center, Ilagan, Isabela. Dr. Maria Angeles O. Catelo, Dean of the College of Economics and Management, opened the training program through her message to the dignitaries and participants. Dr. Catelo emphasized the significant role of cooperatives towards economic development and the key points of the training. She added that “the fundamental purpose of the cooperative is to work and serve towards fulfilling the social, economic, and cultural needs of the members of the community, group, or organization in which they operate.” Dr. Karen Q. Custodio, Director of ICOPED, welcomed the participants by introducing the training program and ICOPED and its programs toward advancing the Philippine cooperative movement. On behalf of the Regional Executive Director of the DA Regional Field Office No. II, Dr. Rose Mary G. Aquino, Engr. William Contillo, Engineer and Agricultural Program Coordinating Officer. Engr. Contillo delivered a message to inspire the participants to make use of the opportunity to improve their organization by learning how to be a cooperative. In addition, Mr. Jay Lord Bagasin, Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) Program Alternate Focal Person, emphasized that the training is not just a prerequisite for availing financial assistance from DA under the F2C2 Program but also a means to improve their associations towards building a sustainable enterprise. The training on the fundamentals of cooperatives was conducted during the first two days of the training course. Ms. Alicia R. Quicoy, trainer and former University Researcher from ICOPED, discussed the origins, philosophy, and concepts of cooperatives. She also introduced cooperative laws and their salient provisions. On the second day, Ms. Adriann M. Quilloy, University Extension Specialist, presented cooperatives’ plans, programs, and policies. Workshop sessions then followed this to familiarize the participants with conducting strategic planning and formulating policies and programs within the cooperative. The second half of the training course covered cooperative governance and management. In the first session, Mr. Paul Kenneth B. Maghirang, a University Researcher, discussed the governance principles and practices and the relevant laws affecting cooperatives. Assistant Professor Jan Danica S. Asma continued the training the following day by discussing the social and economic standards for cooperatives and their operation and management. Engr. Monico Castro, Chief of the Field Operations Division of DA RFO II, closed the four-day training program. He thanked the participants for attending and congratulated them on completing the training courses. He also expressed his gratitude to the program organizers for facilitating the event. He stated that this is just the beginning of the partnership in educating the DA stakeholders.
February 2025
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